Chuck Notestone

PGA Master Professional

"It is a privilege to teach people and help them get better."

If I were to create the perfect golfer, I would start by giving them grit and a growth mindset.

If you want to get better, ask yourself these two questions – Do you want to do better? The second is: Are you willing to feel discomfort of putting in more effort and trying things that will feel weird and different and might not work right away? If you are committed to wanting to get better and the temporary feelings of those changes, you will get better.

About Chuck

"To be good in golf, you have to take a risk... There is risk in change."

Making the Move

Everything you are doing now is perfect for the result you are getting. By visiting my webpage, you have shown an interest in wanting the golf ball to behave in a different way, all you have to do is something different. Anything you do differently will create a difference in impact and difference in the shot result. As a coach, I consider myself a Master of Differences. Understanding the 1 or 2 things that create the biggest difference in impact, speed and control. A big part of my responsibility to my clients is make those adjustments in a way that empowers you athletically in all your swings. As long as your willingness as the student, me the teacher and coach in selecting the things that are most efficient, the adjustment process, making the move, is where the real magic takes shape in transforming your game.

"There are few things in life that are as honest as golf. That’s one of the reasons people love it so much."